Healing for healers

Therapy for Therapists in Charleston & across South Carolina

You may be feeling like …

"I'm so drained lately, it's hard to find the energy for my sessions. I’m falling behind with paperwork, I need to make business decisions. What if my practice is falling apart?"

"I see other therapists handling their sessions so effortlessly, and I feel like I'm constantly struggling to keep up."

"When a client thanks me or says I've helped them, I feel like they’re just being nice or they’re mistaken."

"Physically, I'm exhausted all the time, with headaches and tension creeping in, even when I'm not at work.”

"I’m aware of the wounds that I carry within me. But amidst the demands of work and living my life, I'm struggling to carve out the time and space I need to prioritize self-care and delve into my own emotions.”


Take it from someone who’s been there

Being a therapist is one of the most meaningful, fulfilling and challenging professions. It feels amazing to bare witness to healing and growth. It is a privilege to walk alongside a human, and to share in the joy and trials on their life’s journey.

We’ve worked hard and struggled to complete our training, We regularly seek opportunities to increase our knowledge. We search for new tools to incorporate into our practice. A therapist doesn’t have the option of remaining stagnant, as our field is always expanding; but, do we put the same amount of intention into our personal lives?

Whether you are a new or seasoned counselor, building a life with meaning requires awareness and intention. Why is okay for us to be satisfied with just getting through the day? We can choose to empower ourselves yet, we at times limit ourselves.

Our inner process gets in the way and we push it aside telling ourselves an unhelpful story. How would it feel to share your story with someone who seeks to understand and validate your therapist self and authentic self? In what ways do you want to create your personal and professional path? The time to tend to all parts of you is here.

Take a partner on your journey

Your path to you starts by …

  • Establishing a safe, non-judgmental and affirming partnership.

  • Increasing understanding of how you’ve been impacted by the physical, emotional and physiological aspects of the therapeutic relationship.

  • Improving awareness of your personal biases, triggers, and emotional responses.

  • Discovering your values and how best to live them in your daily personal and professional life.

  • Promoting self-compassion and self-care without guilt and shame.

  • Exploring career growth or operational changes that support your chosen lifestyle.

  • Facilitating growth, resilience, and meaning making by acceptance of all of you.

Ready to start? Let’s connect!


“We need to give each other the space to grow, to be ourselves, to exercise our diversity. We need to give each other space so that we may both give and receive such beautiful things as ideas, openness, dignity, joy, healing, and inclusion.” — Max De Pree